
Indonesian Hajj 2024 Pilgrims Kickstart Their Journey with Reverence and Resolve in Medina

Minggu, 12 Mei 2024 - 21:02
Indonesian Hajj 2024 Pilgrims Kickstart Their Journey with Reverence and Resolve in Medina The first Indonesia hajj pilgrims arriving in Medina. (Photo: Imadudin Muhammad/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMES BENGKULU, JAKARTA – In a poignant moment marking the commencement of the Hajj 2024 season, the first wave of Indonesian pilgrims descended upon the Amir Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz International Airport (AMAA) in Medina, Saudi Arabia, on Sunday (12/5/2024).

A contingent of 393 pilgrims, hailing from the Jakarta-Pondok Gede Embarkation (JKG 01), made their symbolic first steps on the sacred soil, ushering in a period of profound spiritual significance for Indonesia.

Guided by the wings of Garuda Indonesia flight GA 7101, the inaugural group arrived punctually, greeted by a flurry of emotions and a warm reception from both Indonesian Hajj officials and Saudi Arabian authorities.

Prior to their departure, Sheikh Faisal Abdullah Al Amudi, the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Indonesia, extended heartfelt gratitude for the steadfast partnership between the two nations. His prayers resonated with hopes for the Indonesian pilgrims' well-being and spiritual fulfillment during their sacred odyssey.

"We pray for the Indonesian Hajj pilgrims' health and acceptance of their worship," he conveyed from Jakarta on Sunday, the 12th of May, 2024.

Comprising 203 male and 190 female pilgrims, the First Batch from JKG 01 will undergo meticulous health screenings and immigration procedures before proceeding to their lodgings in Medina.

With Medina as their initial sanctuary, the pilgrims are poised to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Islamic history, beginning with the Arbain pilgrimage at the illustrious Prophet's Mosque. Their journey will be a tapestry of spiritual exploration, as they visit revered sites and delve into the profound legacy of their faith.

The arrival of the First Batch not only symbolizes the collective zeal and unwavering devotion of Indonesian Muslims but also heralds the promise of a harmonious and safe Hajj 2024 season for all pilgrims. May their voyage be one of enlightenment, unity, and profound spiritual fulfillment as they embark on this sacred journey of a lifetime. (*)

Pewarta : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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