
Pilgrims, Don't Take Your Guest to Your Hotel Room

Rabu, 07 Juni 2023 - 21:36
Pilgrims, Don't Take Your Guest to Your Hotel Room Abdul Rohim (middle), Head of Sector 5 of the Makkah Regional Working Office (Daker). (Foto: MCH 2023)

TIMES BENGKULU, JAKARTA – During the implementation of the Hajj pilgrimage, Indonesian pilgrims are required to comply with a set of established rules. One important rule that must be observed by the pilgrims is the prohibition of receiving guests in their hotel rooms. 

The Head of Sector 5 of the Makkah Regional Working Office (Daker), Abdul Rohim, explained that this rule is aimed at ensuring the security and comfort of the pilgrims who stay in the same room.

In welcoming the arrival of pilgrims from the second batch (cluster) of Palembang Embarkation (PLM 02) at Syisyah-Makkah, Abdul Rohim emphasized the importance of complying with the rule. He also reminded the pilgrims not to bring cooking utensils into their hotel rooms and not to smoke inside the rooms.

Abdul Rohim expressed gratitude because so far no pilgrims have been found to bring cooking utensils in the Sector 5 area. He expressed appreciation to the pilgrims for their awareness in complying with the rule. In addition, Abdul Rohim mentioned that the pilgrims greatly appreciate the services provided by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, especially in terms of providing three meals a day.

A pilgrim from the 5th batch of Batam Embarkation (BTH 05) also appreciated the services provided by the Ministry of Religious Affairs during this year's hajj journey. He expressed thanks to the Ministry of Religious Affairs for the exceptional service. 

The pilgrim stated that the services they got from the PPIH especially the hotel this year have been excellent, and they pray for the continuous improvement of services so that all pilgrims can perform hajj smoothly and obtain accepted and blessed hajj. (*)

Pewarta : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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